Mechanism Of Internal / External Assessment
S. T. Hindu College fully adheres to the guidelines and framework of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University regarding evaluation and examination. The Manonmaniam Sundaranar University has an evaluation structure wherein 75% marks are awarded on the basis of end semester examination and the rest 25% are awarded on the basis of Continuous Internal Assessment.
- There shall be three internal examinations during each semester to assess the progress of students
- Absentees of the examinations will be fined as per the decision of the college council.
- A student will be permitted to take the University Examination only if he / she
- earns the necessary attendance in classes (75%)
- attends all the practical classes and submits records
- appears in all the tests
- does the assignments
- bears good conduct and character
- Students who fail to show satisfactory progress during the academic year or fail to put in 60% attendance shall be required to repeat the whole semester in an affiliated college before taking the University Examination. Those securing 61% and above attendance may be granted permission subject to the conditions prescribed by the University.
All departments of the College conduct regular internal assessment in the form of assignments, seminar presentations, and internal exams. Timely announcements regarding exams and due dates are made to afford students time for preparation.